Saturday, August 22, 2020

Treaty of Versailles Essay Example for Free

Bargain of Versailles Essay The Members of the League perceive that the support of harmony requires the decrease of national combat hardware to the absolute bottom reliable with national security and the implementation by basic activity of worldwide obligations.The Council, assessing the land circumstance and conditions of each State, will define plans for such decrease for the thought and activity of the few Governments. Such plans will be dependent upon reexamination and modification something like at regular intervals. After these plans will have been embraced by the few Governments, the restrictions of weapons in that fixed will not be surpassed without the simultaneousness of the Council. The Members of the League concur that the assembling by private venture of weapons and executes of war is available to grave complaints. The Council will guidance how the underhanded impacts orderly upon such assembling can be forestalled, due respect being had to the necessities of those Members of the League which can't make the weapons and executes of war important to their security. The Members of the League attempt to exchange full and honest data with regards to the size of their weapons, their military, maritime, and air programs and the state of such of their enterprises as are versatile to war-like purposes. The Members of the League perceive that the upkeep of harmony requires the decrease of national weapons to the absolute bottom steady with national wellbeing and the implementation by regular activity of worldwide commitments. The Council, assessing the topographical â€Å"situations† and conditions of each state, will define plans for such decrease for the thought and activity of the few Governments. Such plans will be dependent upon reevaluation and amendment no less than each â€Å"five years.† After postulations plans will have been received by the few Governments, the constraints of weapons in that fixed will not be surpassed without the simultaneousness of the Council. The Members of the League concur that the production by private venture of weapons and actualizes of war is available to grave complaint. The Council will prompt how the malevolent impacts specialist upon such assembling can be forestalled, due respect being had to the necessities of those Members of the League which can't make the weapons and actualizes of war essential for their security. The Members of the League embrace to trade full and forthcoming data with respect to the size of their combat hardware, their military, maritime, and air programs and the state of such of their businesses are versatile to war-like purposes. A perpetual Commission will be established to inform the Council on the execution with respect to the arrangements of Articles 1 and 8 and on military, maritime, and air questions for the most part. A perpetual Commission will be comprised as having as individuals speaking to all countries to guidance the Council on the Execution of Articles 1 and 8 and on military, maritime, and air questions by and large. Sources: - rdh/wwwi/versa1.html â€Å"Treaty of Verailles† Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

Friday, August 21, 2020

People Resourcing and Rewards

There are various manners by which psychometric testing can be utilized by bosses in the enlistment procedure. The significance connected to the enrollment procedure by businesses just as representatives make it critical for solid measures to be set up to guarantee that the enlistment procedure and in this way the work procedure delivers the best of workers to an organization. It is a pivotal stage in beginning in light of the fact that the sort of representatives utilized in an association comes approach to decide the sort of workforce the association the will have. Psychometric testing alludes to a technique which is utilized by workers to choose the most reasonable candidates to fill existing opportunities. Psychometric tests have been disparaged because of the way that, data accumulated from them isn't generalizable and hence they can't be depended upon in making determinations for specific sorts of employments. Another bad mark related with psychometric tests is that, they are progressively helpful for top positions requiring high abilities, for example, those including graduates just as exceptionally qualified applicant. While this is a bit of leeway to the businesses looking to fill opening for exceptionally qualified staff. It is anyway testing to apply the tests while enlisting for manual opening . Significant expenses related with the psychometric tests have been called attention to as a significant obstacle to the ease of use of the psychometric tests. Businesses contribute a serious enormous measure of cash so as to make sure about and utilize psychometric tests. The immediate costs associated with the tests incorporate the preparation that must be offered to the staff of the organization requiring utilizing the tests for enlistment since these are to control the tests during genuine meetings. The other cost engaged with the test is that of the yearly charges required for bosses or organizations which would need to utilize the tests. This is a bad mark in that; organizations need to contribute vigorously on the tests. To get and utilize the tests, businesses are not just required to buy in yearly something which can truly strain a company’s salary. Benefits related with the tests incorporate the way that, the tests are objective . Objectivity is an essential quality for any meeting and in this way the way that, these tests offers that favorable position makes them alluring and appropriate for workers. Since subjects may endanger any odds of enlisting the best candidates, the objectivity related with this technique makes it appealing to bosses. Typically the basic meeting strategies which customarily have been utilized by selection representatives have been known to be inclined to subjectivity. In this way objectivity related with the psychometric tests is viewed as an or more by the businesses. Unwavering quality is another legitimacy related with the test. Concurring (EIRR, 2000p. 8-88), psychometric tests are bound to sift through all unacceptable and undesirable candidates at beginning times of the meetings subsequently sparing the businesses time and cash. This is particularly vital in this time whereby un legitimate schools have come up and furthermore the black market supplies a significant enormous level of phony testaments available for use today. A decent level of the phony authentications go unnoticed and undetected. Considering the above difficulties, psychometric tests have become the better alternative for bosses in distinguishing deceptive candidates. The undeniably regular battle for work just as sexual orientation mainstreaming in the work showcase has successfully brought about a progressively fair methods of enlistment and choice. This combined with different components have justified an increasingly calm way to deal with the enrollment procedure. The way that numerous states have thought of enactment requiring equivalent openings for work for all and with no type of segregation has additionally served to guarantee that, associations go for psychometric testing during the staffing procedure (EIRR, 2000p. 0-90), refers to a progressively proficient human asset body as likewise a factor which can be connected to the undeniably prevalence of the psychometric testing. Another value of psychometric testing is that, they are generally excellent in foreseeing intellectual capacity of competitors something which is helpful for administrative employments just as high gifted occupations. Since the psychometric tests measure capacities j ust as close to home characteristics and individual traits of individuals this makes them valuable while employing for profoundly serious opportunities which draw in candidates structure all around qualified experts. Psychometric tests are likewise helpful in that they help representatives to find occupations which suit their characters and in this way are bound to offer bliss to the two workers and managers. This as indicated by (EIRR, 2000p. 80-100), is helpful in guaranteeing that representatives perform to their pinnacle henceforth contributing emphatically to their hierarchical development. Psychometric tests likewise help representatives not to seek after inadmissible professions in which their odds of prevailing in such are constrained. In this way psychometric tests offer representatives a chance to complete a self appraisal and in this way plan better their vocation ways. In spite of the fact that the tests are not 100 % solid they are valuable in ensuring that, a representative doesn't enroll workers prostitute are probably going to wind up leaving the place of employment subsequent to being recruited. At last, psychometric test are valuable in arrangements to switch professions since such a stage can represent the moment of truth ones vocation way. Psychometric tests comes close by to ensure that, individuals don't pass up circumstances neither do they squander out of chances in quest for vocations which sometimes fall short for them in any case.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Who Should Control The Standards In Our Schools

posted on January 17, 2015 It seems more and more people are getting on the bandwagon racing away from national standards, Common Core â€Å"State† Standards, and the associated high-stakes testing. As the writer of the Tulsa-based education blog  Blue Cereal Education  states: To be sure, nationalized tests and oppressive curriculum requirements are a disaster. Forget Common Core – ANY standardization of what every child in every situation everywhere must know and be able to do as measured by bubble fillinnery, based on their chronological grouping is, well†¦ insane. In a â€Å"you’re a very bad man† kind of way. I think quite a few of us are headed in the same direction. But what is an alternative? Should it be local control? As in, should every school district be completely free and clear to come up with its own standards? While I think that my district is, and would, rise to the occasion and make every human effort to ensure that each child receives the best education he can, not all districts are committed to the same academic levels. Blue Cereal is pretty convinced that local control would not work in many areas of our state. But while I love my state, rural Oklahoma is full of districts who don’t much cotton to them big city ideals. †¦there are numerous districts where the toughest thing about teaching high school is convincing families there’s anything out there bigger than the local poultry processing plant or Assistant Manager at Dollar General. So, assuming that Blue’s assumptions are correct, what is the answer? I am not a fan  of the federal government telling us  what, when, and how I should teach my students. I do agree we should have some standards. I agree that corporate raiders in education reform clothing should not be in charge of them. I also agree with Blue Cereal Education, who says that local control isn’t the answer either. I think I have an answer. How about we  we ask the experts to come up with standards? No†¦ not the self-proclaimed education reform gurus who will be happy to test  your child and then publicly label your school a failure for a few million dollars†¦ but the actual experts, those people who went to school to study (GASP!) education. I think we should ask the teachers  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  and their teachers. How about we ask the professors and graduate students at university education schools to devise standards — they could even collaborate across the nation — and then teach those standards to the people in their teacher preparation programs? Then, those teachers could go out into the schools of our nation and use their best professional judgement to teach, remediate, or build upon those standards based on the abilities of the children in front of them. The professors and graduate students have educational theory fresh on their minds; current teachers are knee deep in the trenches putting those theories to work; retired teachers have years of experience and the perspective to go with it; parents and students are the ones who are most directly affected by the decisions made: These are the people who should be leading the charge to create standards and accountability. Sure, we can include business leaders and other stakeholders. but they should not be running  the show. I bet this group of people  could even figure out a way to tell if kids are learning without frustrating, discouraging, and humiliating children. Just think about it. You wouldn’t ask your plumber to consult on  your heart surgery, or your building contractor to advise your dentist on best practices (I am now attempting to exorcise image of dentistry by chainsaw from my mind†¦). So why are we letting business owners tell us how and what to teach?! Let’s let the professionals do their jobs! Michelle WatersI am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my Master’s of Education in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education, and a NBPTS candidate. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify my students’ voices and choices.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Should Students Use Cell Phones During Class Time

If you were to drop in on most any American high school these days, what would you see? Cell phones. Lots of them. Virtually all students have one and it s typical to see them tapping away or listening to music through their ear buds not just in the hallways during the five minutes between classes, but also in the classroom, at every opportunity the teacher gives them. Most schools allow students to have cell phones for safety as a reaction to the Littleton, Colorado high school shooting incident of 1999. Apart from emergency situations, most schools don t officially allow students to use cell phones during class time. However, when the teacher is busy helping out another student or writing on the board, out come the phones as†¦show more content†¦Many teachers seem to accept this reasoning, little knowing about the data on multitasking and its deleterious effects on concentration and the ability to think clearly. Two years ago, for example, Peter Bregwan wrote in the Harvar d Business Review Blog Network that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%, increase stress and cause a 10 point fall in IQ. But thinking clearly doesn t seem to be one of the principal objectives in our high schools -- for the teachers or the administrative staff, much less for the students themselves. After all, this is a generation that is used to being entertained. Attention spans are short. During a block period -- which is two regular 40-minute periods back-to-back -- some teachers cajole their students to do some work during the first hour, and then promise them time to do whatever they want at the end, just to keep them from disturbing others. In some cases, schools have actually embraced cell phones and incorporated them into their teaching. Teachers argued over phone use in class room saying that they give students a chance to collaborate with each other, or connect with peers in other countries, They can be used for high-tech alternatives to boring classro om lectures, letting kids take part in interactive assignments like classroomShow MoreRelatedMobile Phone Effect1220 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is the effect of cell phone in class? When it came to distraction in class we have to mention cell phone. We have to agree that cell phone is a distraction in class. It is a tool that has two edge sword. If it is coming to a helpful tool we have to mention cell phone, but what good it do if we are using in the wrong way. Students have to agree that cell phone is a distraction tool and they need to find a way to not use it. The cell phone is a tool that if you use it too much, you willRead MoreCell Phones During School Day884 Words   |  4 Pageswhere students go to gain an education, but school it is also a place where relationships are built and where people go to converse. With so many different ways of communicating to one another, it is easy to just take out a cell phone and to use it as a tool for just about anything, but the use of cell phones at school can lead problems for not only the student but for those around him or her. The use of cell phones during school hours can cause distractions to the student and even the class, withRead MoreShould Students Use Cell Phones? School?1310 Words   |  6 Pageswithout a cell phone? These days cell phones have more features other than texting or calling. They now have touch screens and cool tools. Some phones, such as the iPhone, can tell you the weather, stock prices, where you are at, and it is even voice activated! Today s cell phone is cuttin g-edge technology at your fingertips. With this being said, should students be allowed to have or use cell phones in school? I think that not only students should be allowed to use them, but required to use them. Read MoreBad Cell Phones1058 Words   |  5 PagesBad Cell Phones In today’s society everywhere we look people of all ages and genders are parading with their cell phones. Whether we are driving, or walking down the aisle in the grocery store, and even in class, cell phones have become a part of our everyday lives. Although most students like to text in class, it shouldn’t be allowed because cell phones might tempt students to cheat, and just be a major distraction for everyone. While paying attention is not a requirement of attending class, itRead MoreCell Phones Persuasive Essay813 Words   |  4 Pages Cell phones have become a major part of peoples lives and in modern society. Cell phones are current in society, adults to small children have cell phones. A debate on cell phones in school is occurring more and more. Do students deserve to have their cell phones for use during instruction time or school hours? Research states that cell phones are no benefit to students in school. Others claim to state that cell phones are in fact, beneficial to students and will not damage the learning environmentRead MoreCell Phone Is A Common Trend For Students963 Words   |  4 PagesThe use of cell phone is widespread, and has become a common trend for students. Gone are the days when cell phone were strictly for texting and calling, not it has more features that it can be used for other things. Phones now have like the iPhone can give weather, tell s when the sto ck has gone high or low, and direction, that is something I like to use it for. Today s cell phone amazing at it is always there right at your fingertips. With this is mind the performance task is ask them if studentsRead MoreEssay on Cell Phone Use in Schools Should Not be Banned1401 Words   |  6 PagesShould students be able to use cell phones during class periods? This is a question a lot of students and parents have asked themselves. The invention of cell phones started a debate for many schools. Many schools accept the use of cell phones but experience a lot of frustration over them. There are many reasons for and against the use of cell phones in schools. People who support cell phone use in schools are usually teenagers. People who disagree with cell phone use in schools are usuallyRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned1222 Words   |  5 PagesCell phones can definitely be educational tools in school What’s are everybody’s opinion on cell phones during school? Why should or shouldn’t they be allowed? I’ve always used mine as a helpful tool. I’ve heard many different sides of this debate, mostly they have been positive. I’ve used mine for reading a book in study hall and playing a game to benefit for a vocabulary test. Cell phones are educational tools and should not be banned. This is a debate that can go both ways. Lots of bigger schoolsRead MoreMobile Phones And Electronics Particularly On Mobile Devices1327 Words   |  6 Pagestablet, and cellular phone to name a few. In the early 1990’s even with the bulkiness students started bringing cellular phones to school back then. Schools began to place a restriction on the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Initially, the cell phone was only able to make calls and receive calls. Now, the cell phone or more commonly named smart phone is the most favorable with students since they are able to stay connected to a wide variety of social media. For example, â€Å"Students can access theRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned1299 Words   |  6 PagesThe usage of a cell phone is dramatically increasing today, especially for students. 98% of parents of cell-owning teens say that a major factor why their child has a cell phone is so that they can be in touch no matter where the child is. That statemen t can be true, but considering that we’re living in the 21st century, do we really think that’s the biggest reason why students own cell phones, just to make calls and keep in touch with their fellow parents? Keep in mind, it’s the 2016-more advanced

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on CU4177 End Of Life Dementia Care2 - 1957 Words

CU4177 End of Life Dementia Care 1.1 Dementia is a progressive disease where an individual’s brain functions deteriorate and affects their mental capabilities. This disease is incurable which is similar to another terminal illness such as cancer. Symptoms of dementia will affect an individual’s memory leading to loss and confusing, language/ communication, understanding and judgement. Medication can be prescribed to help slow down the progression of symptoms. Within the more advanced stages the individual will commonly suffer from incontinence, limited mobility and limited communication usually the individual will not be able to use sentences just limited words. Other symptoms that worsen similar to those with a terminal illness are:†¦show more content†¦2.2 In the earlier stages individual’s may be able to express pain through verbal and non verbal communication, together the carer could recognise that they are in pain and a rough area of where this is coming from. This will enable carers to be able to provide medical intervention if needed I.e. Administering PRN paracetamol or seeking medical attention from a nurse/ doctor when required. Care givers should use clear questions when speaking to someone with dementia as it may take them a little longer to process what is being asked. As the dementia progresses the individual could be unable to communicate, but they may be able to express pain through noise I.e. screams, but these could be easily misinterpreted by care providers as a â€Å"normal† behaviour if these are regular occurrences. 2.3 When pain has been recognised by care providers, communication with the individual is important where possible dependant of their ability to be verbal and how much capacity the individual has to understand their pain. Care givers will continuously monitor and observe the individual for changes in needs and record these within the daily care notes within the care plan. Dependant on the type of pain will depend on what medical intervention will be best for the individual through advice from other health professionals. Health professionals offer support to care providers to work as a multi-disciplinary team

Blood Brothers Essay Example For Students

Blood Brothers Essay The play, Blood Brothers written by Willy Russell was set in Liverpool, Liverpool had been home to one of the highest levels of unemployment within the developed world. The play was set in the 1960s. Russell wrote it at this time because there was low morale and a lot of unemployment. Willy Russell set it at that time because there was a big difference between upper class and the working class. This affects our reading of the play because we feel sorry for the Johnstone family. We feel sorry for mrs Johnstone because she is struggling to keep up with payments for basic needs. At the beginning of the play we are introduced to the character Mrs Johnstone. She is aged thirty but looks more like fifty This illustrates how difficult her life has been. Immediately we, the audience feel sympathy for her. In the song Marilyn Monroe we see how her life was when she young. We realise she has been abandoned by her husband and sympathise that she has, seven hungry mouths to feed and no support from anyone. She is struggling to keep up with payments for basic needs such as milk, we feel sorry for her because the milk man is stubborn and arrogant, we see this when he says no money, no milk This shows us that the milk man has no sympathy and is not being very understanding towards Mrs Johnstones situation. To earn some money Mrs Johnstone the house of Mrs Lyons, she is so desperate to keep the job she makes commitments and says things such as I wont even need to take one day off, I love this job She is just managing to scrape by now that she has the job, this shows that the job means everything to her and she cant afford to lose it. During the fun song Mrs Johnstone acquires a mop and bucket, this shows how her boring job has changed her life. In the play we see that Mrs Johnstones life totally contrasts with Mrs Lyons life, we see this in many different ways during the play, one way is when Mrs Lyons walks through the door with a package in hand, Mrs Lyons walking through the door with a a package highlights the fact that she can afford to buy packages where as Mrs Johnstone cant afford to treat herself or her kids for that matter and struggles to pay for the basics. One of the other ways their lives contrast is when Mrs Johnstone comments on Mrs Lyons large house, this is one of the only ways Mrs Johnstone can get anywhere near such a house, we see this when Mrs Johnstone say Its a great job, Its such a lovely house, its a pleasure to clean it The shows us that she like cleaning the house not only for the money but to be able to be in a large house full of wealth and nicely decorated. Mrs Johnstone is a very religious person and Mrs Lyons uses this in many ways to weaken Mrs Johnstone. An example of Mrs Johnstone being weakened and manipulated is Mrs Lyons saying with two more children how can you possibly avoid some of them going into care? This weakens Mrs Johnstone because it makes her think and she might get very upset about the thought of loosing one of her own children. Mrs Johnstone gets blacked mailed by Mrs Lyons about the welfare of the children, we see this when Mrs Johnstone announces that she will be having twins, Mrs Lyons says Your already being chased by the welfare people this would make Mrs Johnstone think about what she is going to do, Mrs Lyons takes advantage of this situation and quickly says surely its better if you gave on child to me, at least if the child was with me you could see it every day, as you came to work this could put Mrs Johnstone on the spot and make a quick decision. Byre by Norman MacCaig EssayThere was a lot of action in the play, which there needed it to be if it was to be effective, such as when the twins got shot, it wouldnt have been as effective as it was if they had done a stylised scene, also using lots of action made the play easier to relate to, as it is harder to relate to characters if they are in stylised scenes, because too dont get to know their characters on a personal level. The moment in which Eddy and Mickey got shot had a lot of tension build up, but also an element of surprise, as the beginning of the play tells us that the twins will die, but the fact that the policemen came out of the audience and did it was unexpected, which made people jump, so it was more memorable. The play covers a long period of time (about 30 years) in two and a half hours, which would be quite hard to follow if it was done in a different way than Blood Brothers. Blood Brothers tells us the story firstly by the script, secondly by song then thirdly by the narration, doing it like this meant that we were told 3 times what was happening so it was easier to understand. I found that the narrator was the most memorable character as he had a strong voice and added an element of creepiness into the play, though in some parts the characters can see and hear the narrator they dont refer to him in the script, perhaps either because he is the devil in all of us, or maybe a voice in our heads. I think the issues raised in the play are quite taboo, the idea that perhaps generally all bad things happen to the working class and they turn to crime, and the upper class have it good. I thought that all the characters were superb, but especially the narrator and Mrs Johnstone. Overall, I enjoyed the play and thought it was well written and well acted, even if some of the songs werent particularly good.