Sunday, May 17, 2020

Should Students Use Cell Phones During Class Time

If you were to drop in on most any American high school these days, what would you see? Cell phones. Lots of them. Virtually all students have one and it s typical to see them tapping away or listening to music through their ear buds not just in the hallways during the five minutes between classes, but also in the classroom, at every opportunity the teacher gives them. Most schools allow students to have cell phones for safety as a reaction to the Littleton, Colorado high school shooting incident of 1999. Apart from emergency situations, most schools don t officially allow students to use cell phones during class time. However, when the teacher is busy helping out another student or writing on the board, out come the phones as†¦show more content†¦Many teachers seem to accept this reasoning, little knowing about the data on multitasking and its deleterious effects on concentration and the ability to think clearly. Two years ago, for example, Peter Bregwan wrote in the Harvar d Business Review Blog Network that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%, increase stress and cause a 10 point fall in IQ. But thinking clearly doesn t seem to be one of the principal objectives in our high schools -- for the teachers or the administrative staff, much less for the students themselves. After all, this is a generation that is used to being entertained. Attention spans are short. During a block period -- which is two regular 40-minute periods back-to-back -- some teachers cajole their students to do some work during the first hour, and then promise them time to do whatever they want at the end, just to keep them from disturbing others. In some cases, schools have actually embraced cell phones and incorporated them into their teaching. Teachers argued over phone use in class room saying that they give students a chance to collaborate with each other, or connect with peers in other countries, They can be used for high-tech alternatives to boring classro om lectures, letting kids take part in interactive assignments like classroomShow MoreRelatedMobile Phone Effect1220 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is the effect of cell phone in class? When it came to distraction in class we have to mention cell phone. We have to agree that cell phone is a distraction in class. It is a tool that has two edge sword. If it is coming to a helpful tool we have to mention cell phone, but what good it do if we are using in the wrong way. Students have to agree that cell phone is a distraction tool and they need to find a way to not use it. The cell phone is a tool that if you use it too much, you willRead MoreCell Phones During School Day884 Words   |  4 Pageswhere students go to gain an education, but school it is also a place where relationships are built and where people go to converse. With so many different ways of communicating to one another, it is easy to just take out a cell phone and to use it as a tool for just about anything, but the use of cell phones at school can lead problems for not only the student but for those around him or her. The use of cell phones during school hours can cause distractions to the student and even the class, withRead MoreShould Students Use Cell Phones? School?1310 Words   |  6 Pageswithout a cell phone? These days cell phones have more features other than texting or calling. They now have touch screens and cool tools. Some phones, such as the iPhone, can tell you the weather, stock prices, where you are at, and it is even voice activated! Today s cell phone is cuttin g-edge technology at your fingertips. With this being said, should students be allowed to have or use cell phones in school? I think that not only students should be allowed to use them, but required to use them. Read MoreBad Cell Phones1058 Words   |  5 PagesBad Cell Phones In today’s society everywhere we look people of all ages and genders are parading with their cell phones. Whether we are driving, or walking down the aisle in the grocery store, and even in class, cell phones have become a part of our everyday lives. Although most students like to text in class, it shouldn’t be allowed because cell phones might tempt students to cheat, and just be a major distraction for everyone. While paying attention is not a requirement of attending class, itRead MoreCell Phones Persuasive Essay813 Words   |  4 Pages Cell phones have become a major part of peoples lives and in modern society. Cell phones are current in society, adults to small children have cell phones. A debate on cell phones in school is occurring more and more. Do students deserve to have their cell phones for use during instruction time or school hours? Research states that cell phones are no benefit to students in school. Others claim to state that cell phones are in fact, beneficial to students and will not damage the learning environmentRead MoreCell Phone Is A Common Trend For Students963 Words   |  4 PagesThe use of cell phone is widespread, and has become a common trend for students. Gone are the days when cell phone were strictly for texting and calling, not it has more features that it can be used for other things. Phones now have like the iPhone can give weather, tell s when the sto ck has gone high or low, and direction, that is something I like to use it for. Today s cell phone amazing at it is always there right at your fingertips. With this is mind the performance task is ask them if studentsRead MoreEssay on Cell Phone Use in Schools Should Not be Banned1401 Words   |  6 PagesShould students be able to use cell phones during class periods? This is a question a lot of students and parents have asked themselves. The invention of cell phones started a debate for many schools. Many schools accept the use of cell phones but experience a lot of frustration over them. There are many reasons for and against the use of cell phones in schools. People who support cell phone use in schools are usually teenagers. People who disagree with cell phone use in schools are usuallyRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned1222 Words   |  5 PagesCell phones can definitely be educational tools in school What’s are everybody’s opinion on cell phones during school? Why should or shouldn’t they be allowed? I’ve always used mine as a helpful tool. I’ve heard many different sides of this debate, mostly they have been positive. I’ve used mine for reading a book in study hall and playing a game to benefit for a vocabulary test. Cell phones are educational tools and should not be banned. This is a debate that can go both ways. Lots of bigger schoolsRead MoreMobile Phones And Electronics Particularly On Mobile Devices1327 Words   |  6 Pagestablet, and cellular phone to name a few. In the early 1990’s even with the bulkiness students started bringing cellular phones to school back then. Schools began to place a restriction on the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Initially, the cell phone was only able to make calls and receive calls. Now, the cell phone or more commonly named smart phone is the most favorable with students since they are able to stay connected to a wide variety of social media. For example, â€Å"Students can access theRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned1299 Words   |  6 PagesThe usage of a cell phone is dramatically increasing today, especially for students. 98% of parents of cell-owning teens say that a major factor why their child has a cell phone is so that they can be in touch no matter where the child is. That statemen t can be true, but considering that we’re living in the 21st century, do we really think that’s the biggest reason why students own cell phones, just to make calls and keep in touch with their fellow parents? Keep in mind, it’s the 2016-more advanced

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